You have read articles if Beer is healthy or Coffee is not and all that. Here I will not just tell you their health benefits but rather would tell you the scientific Behaviour of your Brain when you drink coffee and how your brain instructs your body to behave when you drink Beer.

You will read articles with the details of food products advantages, disadvantages and all. Almost every body starts behaving as a nutritionist after reading few articles on the internet, but this is something different and will be entertaining for you to know about.
How is the response of Human Brain Vs Coffee & Human Brain Vs Beer
Believe it or not, your brain gets excited when it sees Coffee or Beer in your body. The kind of chemical reactions the body does is something extra ordinary and hence you feel an urge every time to get these drinks.
Human Brain Vs Coffee
Normally the brain Adenosine receptor binds the Adenosine. This makes you feel more drowsy. You behave lethargic and seems to have a lack of energy.

Coffee has Caffeine which binds with the Adenosine and hence there is an alternate for the Adenosine other than the brain receptors. This is the reason, that even within 5 minutes, you start feeling more energetic with the coffee.

Good Things of Having Coffee for your brain

Even within 5 minutes of having it, the coffee starts its effects. If you are taking coffee as a medicine intentionally, it will please you soon.
What is bad for your brain, when you drink Coffee
Even if you have a less quantity of coffee, your brain starts adjusting as per it. You become habitual and if you do not get the coffee, than you start feeling a high urge of having it.
Your Brain & Beer
The Cerebral Cortex responds to your Drink. The Cerebral Cortex is important part of brain which is responsible for your personal human interaction behaviour. Meaning to say, it controls your emotions, interaction, way of talking, your verbal skills etc.

As soon as you drink beer and it goes in your body, the cerebral cortex starts responding and your brain feels less focussed. But during this process, your body feels more relaxed and all the distractions from the brain are removed automatically. Beer contains alcohol which hits the Cerebral cortex directly.
When your brain throws out the distractions, brain tends to be more creative. This is why your focus of your daily tasks get away, but a newer thought starts building in your mind.

The Benefits of Beer for your Brain
Beer makes you feel relaxed and keeps you away from the world around you. This makes you focus more on yourself and you produce more creative content.

The Bad behaviour of beer on your Brain
A habitual alcohol drinking or even couple of drinks together makes your brain loose the focus and you start waisting your life on this. When you do not get the drink, your brain starts thinking everything again but the response becomes more aggressive because too much of mood swings.
Infographics Conclusion

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